RSS Without Knowing

Yahoo! and Ipsos Insight have a new report about RSS usage. The report finds that most RSS users don’t even know they’re using RSS:

The number of tech-savvy Internet users who knowingly sign up for RSS syndicated content is only four percent, while another 12 percent are somewhat aware of the term RSS. Twenty-seven percent of adult Internet users access RSS feeds through personalized start pages, though they don’t know that’s what they’re doing on personalized portal pages.

And how do you get others to use RSS?

Evangelism is apparently the most effective tool out there to educate new RSS users. Sixty-nine percent of respondents say their experience with RSS stems from “positive mentions.” Twenty-four percent find RSS easy and convenient, and 18 percent like it because users can choose what they want to read.

In other words, if you use RSS and like it, bring along a buddy to join the party.

The full report can be found here in PDF format.

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