I miss blogging. I miss the community we had with blogging. I just published this blog post. And it felt great.
A decade of hits and future directions
It's hard to believe I've been blogging for 10 years. To keep this blog, and my online presence, going for the next 10 years, I'll be branching out beyond just libraries and tech to write and share about many of my other interests including gadgets, gaming, the great outdoors, photography, music, and fitness.
Are blog comments necessary or just a pain?
Web Worker Daily has a post where they ask "Are Blog Comments Worth It?" I often ask the same question, particularly with the comments I get on my Business Blog. The Business Blog is primarily aimed at the faculty and students that I work with, although I do believe most of the hits to... Continue Reading →
Business Blog reviewed by library school student
I love it when library school students stop by and chat. They usually reach me via the chat widget on the Business Blog or via the chat widget on the Biz Wiki. The students usually have a few questions about using Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, or screencasts. Occasionally students will blog... Continue Reading →
Performancing is now ScribeFire
I was looking for some Firefox extensions this morning and noticed that Performancing has changed to ScribeFire. "ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox) is a full-featuredblog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily postto your blog. You can drag and drop formatted text from pages you arebrowsing, take notes, and post to your... Continue Reading →
Library Gaming Blogs
I've been doing a little reading on the impact of gaming on today's learners. In the process, I've stumbled across a couple of blogs that are about gaming and libraries. Game On: Games in Libraries "strives to keep librarians up to date on gaming with convenient one-stop shopping for all your gaming news and information."... Continue Reading →
Blogging Conference @ Ohio Univeristy
Journalists to Debate Ethics of Blogging, Online News at Ohio University ATHENS, Ohio – Bloggers and online journalists have grabbed the spotlight for reporting on breaking news – including political scandal – ahead of traditional journalism outlets such as newspapers and television stations. But what are the ethical issues at stake in this new reporting... Continue Reading →
Librarycasting SE
This is sweet! Librarycasting SE: Screencasts, podcasts, tutorials and titles for the sciences and engineering. Librarycasting SE is a compilation of selected educational and information resources for the sciences and engineering, with a strong emphasis on new media and communication formats such as screencasts (pc screen video), video, and podcasts (audio). Resources covered include those... Continue Reading →
Create 200,000 blogs with ease
Imagine if you could create and administer 200,000 WordPress blogs with one interface. According to the Lyceum Project, you will be able to. Lyceum was originally conceived in a very different form 3 years ago as a community-blogosphere-insta-generator. Several staff and identity rotations later, we set forth in the middle of 2005 to make a... Continue Reading →