Yesterday’s 32 mile ride

Yesterday morning @cguder and I took a nice long ride on some of the best roads in Southeast Ohio. Route 56 recently got a new coat of asphalt, and we have been itching to get our bikes on it. Rt. 56 is a little sketchy to ride on during high-traffic times, but at 7:00 on... Continue Reading →

Today’s Ride

I took a little vacation time this morning, and here's what I did: I rode this with Chris. It took us about 3.5 hours including breaks to cover 43.5 miles. Actual ride time was about 3 hours, and we averaged about 14 miles-per-hour. According to Sanoodi, we did about 2800 feet of climbing. There were... Continue Reading →

Today’s ride

My colleague, Chris Guder, and I took a ride today. Here's what we did: And here's a little video of the ride: Librarians on two wheels from Chad on Vimeo. It was a lovely day for a ride, and we had a blast.

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