“Thanks” — it really does mean a lot


"Thank you" spelled in colorful magnet lettersThis made my week, and definitely goes in the “save for a rainy day” file:

I am writing to you to express my gratitude as a parent and my admiration as a fellow librarian. My son is in the business cluster this term and he shared your subject guide with me, because he knows I’m interested in that sort of thing. I am astounded at the complete and guided format… you really walk the students through everything they need to know, and help them to take advantage of every gem that Alden library has to offer….and Alden seems to be a treasure-trove of gems! As a librarian who will be doing an information literacy program for GED students who will enter college, I admire your professionalism, dedication to your students, and thoroughness. As a parent, I am greatly pleased at this level of service, and pleased with OU sparing no expense for library resources; you educate students in research method, OU really does seem to have every important resource a student might need, and I’m glad my son has access to it all.


Thank you, thank you!


Image CC via VistaMommy

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