Podcasting and videocasting
Greg gives an overview of podcasting
Podcasting is not slapping mp3 files on the web. To be a podcast, there has to be an RSS feed.
Podcasting is not a one-time deal. You have to keep putting content out there for your users to get new content.
Podcasting takes time
Things to podcast
Upcoming events and library news
bibliographic instruction
content for the visually impaired
9 steps to podcasting
1. Determine content and format
2. Assemble equipment and people
3. Record
4. Edit and export mp3
5. Listen!
6. Upload file to server
7. Generate RSS feed
9. Repeat the process
Jeff Humphrey
INCOLSA Interactive Media Specialist
INCOLSA is a state library consortium in Indiana
Video Podcasting as INCOLSA
Why we are doing it
Because we can
Natural progression of existing services
Currently converting existing content, stored on their web server
Jeff writes the RSS from scratch
Jeff says that he is going to convert to a blog format with WordPress
Production Tips
Have a reason to include video
Invest in a good microphone
Frame shots properly
Enhance production with graphics
David Free
Georgia Perimeter College
creator and editor of Listen Up!
8 things I learned about podcasting
1. Make sure it feeds!
2. Promote. Then promote some more. (sending out email, etc)
3. Keep it short. Dave recommends going no longer than 10 minutes
4. Use music sparingly (listen to NPR as a good example)
5. Multiple voices rock. Interviews make good content
6. Podcast events. Events are the most popular that David does.
7. Consider your web
8. Listen to your listeners.
What David uses
USB mic
encodes at 96 kBits/ MP3
liberated syndication
The Future
Off the rack
When looking at instructional technologies, Sean tries to look at multiple factors.
-provides alternate, enriched, content perpectives
-provides anytime, anywhere flexibility, user creativity
-podcasts allow time to reflect
Sean points to Chris Kretz’s “Learning to Speak” presentation on HigherEdBlogCon
How libraries can use podcast
Build community on student experiences
Promote the library through podcasts
Podcasts as professional development tool
Sean shows us a lot of examples from places
David King
shows us his cool camera
David show us his Sidewalk Art video
Introduction to videoblogging
Examples of videoblog
rocketboom (very famous, one of the most well known) get over 400,000 views per day
Videoblogging is video on a blog
Why is it getting big?
storage and bandwidth is getting cheaper
cheap easy mobile video
video ipods
How do you watch them?
Just click on one
need a computer with broadband
Need a video player
-windows media player
A video aggregator would be nice
Coolest way to watch
Get an iPod
or a clone
or a PSP
watch at your convenience
How do you create them
need a computer
need a video camera
video editing software (Windows Movie Maker or iMovie)
a blog
formats –most blogger use quicktime or flash
an idea
One–store it yourself
Two–let someone else store them
very popular right now
they’ll store your video
they’ll keep stats
they won’t allow people to download the video
What can libraries do with videoblogging?
-book talk
-bibliographic instruction & tutorials
-film your events
More intersting ideas:
Cultural memory project–video history rather than oral history
Collaborative–kids (or other users) making video
Behind the scenes thing–what goes on at the library
Slightly whacked out ideas
-videoblog local attractions
-get library staff to video vacations
-invite local candidates to discuss something
Hobbies and lifestyles
Need more Info
books on videoblogging in Amazon
Yahoo videoblogging group
Hey Chad, thanks to you (and your fellow attendees) for blogging IL for those of us who could not attend. And FYI: we have a politician in Boston who has a vlog: http://www.votejohntobin.com/blog/ (see Videos on left menu). He’s been putting up small video snippets since last year.
Thanks, these are much more detailed notes than I took. I have them saved in my Bloglines.