Learning Commons: The “in” in CIL
Tom Ipri (aka Tombrarian)
Tom has been in Las Vegas for 9 months
Tom connects the idea of place (his old home versus new home)
Tom can see a pyramid and the Chrysler building from his office
Learning Commons=Library Commons=Learning Spaces
Tom says that his Information Commons does not allow for modular furniture. Most of the furniture is bolted together to the floor.
It was predicted in the late 1990’s that libraries would not exist as a result of the web.
Now, libraries are now putting a lot more money into their spaces.
Typical learning commons stuff
movable furninture, more computer apps, study rooms, laptop loans, tutoring services, writing services, practice presentation room, etc
People have an emotional attachment to space
they form an opinion when the walk into a space
Space can facilitate or hinder learing
space should match teaching objectives, learning styles, and social setting
If students don’t respect the physical environment, they likely won’t respect the teacher
How do you add value to a laptop?
Put Adobe Creative Suite on it. Students are likely not to have that on their own laptops.