This weekend, thousands of librarians will descend upon the city of New Orleans for the American Library Association annual conference. It’s a big deal in our profession, and for the first time in ages, I’m not there. There’s a number of reasons I decided not to go, but they all boil down to just needing a break from the mega conference scene. As a budding guitar player I’ll miss the music scene of New Orleans, but I won’t miss the late-June humidity and heat. I’ll miss my business librarian buddies and the various BRASS functions, but I won’t miss the feeling of going on a camping trip (and I actually like camping) every time I leave my hotel for the conference center. I’ll miss seeing some of my favorite vendors and giving them an earful of how to improve their products. This year I’m spending my time and travel dollars at smaller conference venues, and I’m enjoying the change of pace. For those going, I wish you a great conference. I look forward to following your experiences via your tweets, blog posts, and pictures.
P.S. If BRASS gives out coffee mugs for the 30-year anniversary this year, can someone snag me one? The 2013 cup is my wife’s favorite! 😉