Web 2.0 and What it means to librariesLee Rainie, Director of Pew Internet & American Life ProjectLee notes that he "adores librarians."Web 2.0 is the web as a platform.6 Hallmarks of the the Web 2.0 that matter to librariesThe internet has become the computerThe number of people who access the Internet at libraries has doubled... Continue Reading →
ODCE: Accelerating Change in Scholarly Communication
Accelerating Change in Scholarly CommunicationThis morning I attended an interactive discussion of the changes in scholarly communication. The disucssion revolved around open access and digital repository initiatives. Faculty, librarians, and instructional technologists/support persons attended and provide insight into the discussion. The presenters took notes on flip charts of all the discussion, which they will compile... Continue Reading →
ODCE: New Intersections for Student Engagement
New Intersections for Students Engagement: Leveraging Learning Cultures with Multimedia TechnologiesKathy Webb and Tingting Lu, The Ohio State University LibrariesWhy a student learning culture in the library?points to OCLC College Students' Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resourcesalso College Learning for the New Global Century (pdf)Traditional library service promotes a 1:1 potential for learningLibrarian behind the... Continue Reading →
ODCE 2007:Keynote
I'm at the Ohio Digital Commons for Education today and tomorrow. I'll do my best to blog the conference. Keynote: Content, Connections, ConversationsGeorge SiemensDescription: "Contenthas, for much of the life of formal education, held the prestigiouscentral position, reflected in bold statements like “content is kingâ€.Over the last five years, the web has shifted from write... Continue Reading →
Back from Monterey
I got back safe and sound from Monterey at about 12:45 this morning. I had a great time at the conference, and am ready to try some of the things that I learned. I had a blast meeting lots of new folks and catching up with old friends. Thanks for a great conference, and I... Continue Reading →
Internet Librarian–The RSS and JavaScript Cookbook
The RSS and JavaScript Cookbook Meredith Farkas and Paul Pival paulandmeredith.pbwiki.com Paul says every single tool they will show us will be usable by librarians. Using the traditional subject page as an example of how to generate dynamic content Most subject guides are not often updated Not easy to add content if you don't know... Continue Reading →
Internet Librarian–MySpace & Facebook
MySpace and FacebookMySpace is not the best website ever. It can be hard to use, it can give a bad user experience. Nevertheless, people still use it because of the social experience. Aaron got a teenager to update the Thomas Ford MySpace page.------------Cliff LandisWhat is the nature of the beast?Profiles as Identity Performance-Dynamic and Static-user... Continue Reading →
Internet Librarian–Keynote Day 3
Shari Thurow Web Presence for Internet Librarians Shari is the Webmaster/Marketing directory at Grantastic Designs She says she loves librarians. She's working on a PHD in Library Science She says that librarians will be the heroes of the web Goals of this presentation: Define a search engine friendly web site design Search engine optimization essentials... Continue Reading →
Internet Librarian–Podcasting and Video blogging
Podcasting and videocasting Greg gives an overview of podcasting Podcasting is not slapping mp3 files on the web. To be a podcast, there has to be an RSS feed. Podcasting is not a one-time deal. You have to keep putting content out there for your users to get new content. Podcasting takes... Continue Reading →