I love to take my Flip Mino with me on bike rides, as I really like to get a little bit of footage while riding. The only problem is trying to hold a camera with one hand while steering the bike with the other. While I think I’m skilled enough to do this for a short period of time, those that love me have asked that I refrain from this behavior, or risk revoking my bicycle license (or wors). I’ve since been looking for ways to make or purchase a camera mount for my handlebar, and here are some things I’ve found.
- MakeHandlebarCameraMountForABuck.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- DIY bottlecap bicycle camera mount
- CameraHacker: Building a bicycle camera mount
Flip makes a product called the Action Mount, but I’ve read that it can be a little difficult to use and is a bit unstable. I’ll likely use one of the methods above (or a combination of them) to build a mount for my road bike.