I am giving a presentation with Nancy Stimson, author of the Stark County Law Library Blawg, next Tuesday at a joint meeting of the Cleveland Special Library Association and the Northern Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Nancy is doing the ‘about blogs and blogging’ piece, and I am going to do the part about the various blogging software options.
I have used a number different blogging systems, but only on a trial basis. Before I decided on WordPress, I tried out Movable Type, Radio, and Blogger. Based upon my brief experiences with the various options, I have a general idea of the pros and cons of each blogging system. However, I would definitely appreciate knowing what others think about the system they are currently using.
I am posing these questions:
What blogging package are you using and why?
What seems to work best about the blogging system that you use?
Have you tried other options? If so, why did you switch?
How could the blogging system be improved?
Who would you recommend the blogging system to?
Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide. If you like, you can comment on this post, or email me your answers to cfboeningerDELETE@THISearthlink.net.