MediaShift: Your Guide to the Digital Media Revolution MediaShift is a weblog that will track how digital media technologies and techniques such as weblogs, RSS, podcasting, citizen journalism, wikis, news aggregators and video repositories are changing our world. It will tell stories of how the shifting media landscape is changing the way we get our... Continue Reading →
Why We Blog
The Gyspy Librarian has written a follow-up to my previous post about why I blog. His response is definitely worth a read, particularly if you're still wondering why in the world all of these librarians are blogging. While the entire post is a very good read, Angel gets to the heart of blogging when he... Continue Reading →
If You Build It, Will They Come?
This post was prompted by an email from a business librarian at another institution, who was inquiring about my use of both a blog and a wiki to disseminate library information. In the email, the librarian asked: Are people actually reading? No offense 🙂 I find that often librarians' efforts in distributing information is in... Continue Reading →
Why I Blog
I got an email yesterday from a graduate student wanting me to answer a few questions about blogging. Her class is studying blogging as a form of organizational communication. Her questions got me thinking about why I blog, so I figured I'd share my answers to her questions here. I've written about this before in... Continue Reading →
Mapping the Biblioblogosphere
If you're a blogging librarian, Scott Pfitizinger encourages you to visit the group that he's created on Frappr. He's created a group called blogging librarians, where you can go and put yourself on the map.
Pew Internet Report: Teen Content Creators and Consumers
The Pew Internet & American Life Project released Teen Content Creators and Consumers today. From the summary: American teenagers today are utilizing the interactive capabilities of the internet as they create and share their own media creations. Fully half of all teens and 57% of teens who use the internet could be considered Content Creators.... Continue Reading →
Sharing is So Cool
Most librarian bloggers know that one of the really cool things about the biblioblogosphere is that blogging fosters collaboration and sharing. As an example, I saw what Sherri did with IM at UNLV, and I adapted what she had done to our needs at Ohio University. I contacted her over email and IM, and we... Continue Reading →
Business Blogs Survey
This request was made by Becky Smith, Head of the Business & Economics Library at UIUC, on the BUSLIB-L listserv, and I thought I'd pass it on. I am conducting a short survey about the use of blogs in business libraries. Even if your library is not currently employing a blog, please answer this survey... Continue Reading →
New Library Blog
Scott Pfitzinger has a new blog. He writes on his original blog: I have decided to create a new blog. Its purpose is to contribute to the professional discussions about how technology is affecting libraries and learning. This will also allow me to keep my professional and personal blog posts separate. Not that the personal... Continue Reading →