Do you ever try to remember something and you can’t quite remember the date or details? This happened to me yesterday when I got an email from a colleague asking about our library podcast tour project. We stopped doing the podcasts some time ago due to the low return on investment, and I had a hard time remembering when we first started the project and how it was conducted. Fortunately, I blogged about it here on Library Voice, and even followed up with other posts . Unlike my filing cabinet pictured above, my blog has a nice search function so I was able to find the relevant information with ease. Many of the links on those posts are long extinct, but there was enough information there for me to find this old article from our local paper about the tours. Turns out podcasting was so 2006.
The problem is, when I first got this email, it took me *way* too long to think “maybe I blogged about that and there’s some info on my site.” That tells me that Library Voice has been off my radar for way too long. With the end in site (pun intended) for Google Reader, many are again proclaiming that blogging is dead and has been replaced by the likes of Twitter and Facebook. I’m not buying it, and this small example is proof enough to me that there’s still room (and a need) on the web for blogs. How we’ll read those blogs is another story that will unfold over the next few months.