Feel good moments via social media

The past two days I received two very nice compliments via social media.  Both of them made me feel especially valued and appreciated, even if the kind words came from people I have never met in person.  I’m posting them here for those days where things aren’t quite so rosy.

The first comment came out of the blue from another librarian on Twitter.  This really made my day, especially given  that I am submitting a few proposals to speak again at the Computers in Libraries conference next spring.


The second comment came this morning from a random person on flickr.  I can only assume that he found my pictures via one of the flickr groups that I’ve been posting to lately.  I’ve become really interested in photography over the past year, and have been working to get better.  It’s always nice when someone “favorites” or “likes” your pictures, but this fellow went out of his way to give me a very kind remark.


It really doesn’t take much to make somebody’s day better.  Simply giving someone a compliment can be a huge boost to their confidence and can make them happier.  I appreciate these two folks giving me a shout out, and now I’m very encouraged to pay it forward.

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