“Beats all you ever saw……

.....been in trouble with the law since the day they was born." According to a CNN Money article: Christopher Nelson's new job, which comes with a $100,000 salary and a one-year contract, will be to watch reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard" weeknights on the Country Music Television cable channel and write blog postings for... Continue Reading →

Why Colleges Blog

mStoner.com has a good article about colleges that blog to recruit potential students: In seizing on the blogging phenomenon, admissions offices and alumni associations are benefiting from the freshness and honesty that the very medium of blogging suggests. There's an immediacy to blogging, an unvarnished reality to it--even when the feedback function is disabled and... Continue Reading →

Weblogs in Education

"Weblogs in Education: the Possiblilities Are Limitless!" has a good collection of educational blogs. The site lists tons of blogs and articles about blogs, and even has links to presentations and workshops about blogging. Link via Information Literacy Weblog.

Blogs with 6 Strings

The Guitar Blog has "the latest guitar news and guitar-related information from around the world." Also, another Guitar Blog (same name, different blog) includes "Guitars and guitarists, basses and bassists, guitar news and products, weird guitars, bizarre guitars, wonderful guitars... Links to interesting guitar sites and products found on the internet."

Needing Critiques of Blog Software

I am giving a presentation with Nancy Stimson, author of the Stark County Law Library Blawg, next Tuesday at a joint meeting of the Cleveland Special Library Association and the Northern Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Nancy is doing the 'about blogs and blogging' piece, and I am going... Continue Reading →

More Blogging Tips

I have blogged about using blogs for internal communications before, but the folks at Advanced Business Blogging have a good post about the topic. They too have grasped the idea of using a blog as a knowledgebase: As your team becomes accustomed to accessing the knowledge they need from this internal blog, they win with... Continue Reading →

WordPress Upgrade

I have finally gotten around to updating this blog with the latest version of WordPress. Everything ran pretty smoothly, although I did have some problems with my comments template. It turns out that my previous iteration of the comments template (which I have had since WP 1.0) needed to be tossed. I simply copied the... Continue Reading →

WordPress 1.5 Released

I am a little late with this, but WordPress 1.5 was released last week. I updated two of our library blogs on Sunday in about an hour. The directions offered by Podz made my upgrades a snap. I followed everything to a "T" and it worked flawlessly. Now I simply have to find time to... Continue Reading →

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