Apparently the upgrade to WordPress 2.6 breaks PodPress. If your podcast blog is broken, try looking at this post for a solution. I just installed the No Revisions Plugin, and now our Alden Library Podcasts, using PodPress, are working just fine again.
Swahili version of audio tour is now complete
Our library's podcast tour is now available in Swahili. This is the first translation of our tour into a different language. We're hoping to add Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and others as soon as possible. Since we're relying on volunteer effort for the translations, our time frame for making other translations available is definitely very flexible.... Continue Reading →
Librarycasting SE
This is sweet! Librarycasting SE: Screencasts, podcasts, tutorials and titles for the sciences and engineering. Librarycasting SE is a compilation of selected educational and information resources for the sciences and engineering, with a strong emphasis on new media and communication formats such as screencasts (pc screen video), video, and podcasts (audio). Resources covered include those... Continue Reading →
Tweaking our Podcast Tour
Greg contacted me via IM last week, and the conversation with him helped me to flesh out some ideas for the podcast tours. He writes that a podcast isn't really a podcast without an RSS feed, which I happen to agree with. One of the things that were lacking on the podcast tour page was... Continue Reading →
A First Try at Podcasting
On January 5, our library launched a podcast version of the library self-guided tour. This is the first publishable draft of the podcast, and we're continuing to get feedback that we're incorporating into later versions. It's a little too early to tell how successful the tour will be, but I can tell you that the... Continue Reading →
Worth Reading
Two articles in the November/December issue of Educause Review: There’s Something in the Air: Podcasting in Education "Podcasting is taking its place among the dizzying variety of grassroots media now available to everyone. Those in higher education need to understand the potential uses and value of rich media authoring, bringing podcasting into courses so that... Continue Reading →
Educause Webcast on Blogging, RSS, and Podcasting
Educause is offering the following webcast: Narrowcasting 101: Using Blogs, Podcasts, and Videoblogs in Higher Education When July 21, 1-2 EDT. Cost: About as cheap as it gets (Free!!!) Where to Register: Follow this link right here What's it about: A key element of the new Web is narrowcasting, which includes Weblogs, podcasts, and video... Continue Reading →
Podcasting 101
iLounge has a nice Beginner's Guide to Podcast Creation The walkthrough is quite easy to follow, but there is one catch: Amazingly enough, this first step is the one many podcasters skip: develop a plan. Before you start recording, think about what you want to say, and organize your show accordingly. Make notes, prepare your... Continue Reading →