Podpress and WordPress 2.6

Apparently the upgrade to WordPress 2.6 breaks PodPress.   If your podcast blog is broken, try looking at this post for a solution.   I just installed the No Revisions Plugin, and now our Alden Library Podcasts, using PodPress, are working just fine again.

Harassment via Meebo

Long story short, a small loans outfit in the UK wanted me to post a link to their site on my Business Blog.   "Kelly" was pretty persistent, to the point of being a pain.   Here's part of the transaction: (4:37:26 PM) meeboguest598014: if I post a comment, it allows me to put my... Continue Reading →

Top 10 SmartPhones

Looking for a new phone? PC World has a chart of the Top 10 Cell Phone-PDAs. I'm still using and loving my Palm Treo 700P. Even with the spotty wireless at the conference last week, I was able to get control of my email through the Sprint network. That meant for a much easier transition... Continue Reading →

Fortune interview with Steve Jobs

Fortune has published an interview with Steve Jobs. I'd definitely recommend looking at it for understanding what makes the CEO of one of the world's most admired companies tick. Librarians might even be able to learn a thing or two.   Some excepts are below: On market research: "We do no market research. We don't... Continue Reading →

Pidgin4Lib looks cool

"Pidgin4Lib is a customized version of Pidgin. It includes a plugin for support of collaborative IM services. It allows libraries or departments to offer IM services with one public buddy name handled internally by any number of staff members."Wow.  This is something to definitely check out and play with when I have more time.  From... Continue Reading →

Connecting Second Life and Facebook

This goes in the tech-to-try pile:Giving  your Facebook profile a Second LifeIf you are like me, you probably have some of your Second Life friends among your Facebook friends. And until recently, we had no good way of connecting the two worlds. But now we can; and there isn't just one, but two Facebook applications... Continue Reading →

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