Many libraries now offer text-a-librarian services to extend reference service to patrons on their mobile phones. If your library has pondered the idea of implementing a text messaging reference service, but couldn't quite figure out a way to pay for the service, I hope you find this useful. Our library has been running... Continue Reading →
Times like this make you love your job
This morning when I launched Trillian, I received the following message: What a wonderful way to start a Friday morning. It's great to feel appreciated. I think today I'm going to try to let someone else know how much I appreciate what they do, sort of like how they pass on kindness in... Continue Reading →
Mob dance at the library
Gathered students burst into a choreographed “flash mob dance†in front of Washington University's Olin library at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 18th. The purpose of the dance remains unclear. Original post found here.
You’ve got to know when to fold ’em
You've got to know when to walk away, or know when to run.... I've worked with some interesting patrons lately. As a reference librarian, I love to help people find answers to their questions, and I really love helping them with business research. The thing I love most about business research is that... Continue Reading →
Skype-ing and Screensharing With Stephen
Yesterday I had the good fortune to connect with Stephen Francoeur via Skype. He and I spent a little time testing out the new screensharing options in the newest version of Skype. We had fun poking around with the new features, and I recorded some of what we saw. I used Camstudio to... Continue Reading →
9 things I’ve learned in the four years with the Biz Wiki
It's hard to believe that it's been four years since I created the Biz Wiki. When I first wrote about using a wiki as a research guide, I had no idea where the wiki would go. For the four year anniversary, I think it's important to address some of the things that I've learned over... Continue Reading →
Librarians and Freeze Pops
As part of the Ohio University new student orientation, we're hosting students in the library during the campus tours. We feed them freeze pops and then give them a short talk about the library. Here's my colleague, Sherri, telling new students about the library. Formats available: Microsoft Video (.avi), Flash Video (.flv)
Cutting budgets
When you have to cut your library budget, you have to rethink your priorities for purchasing books, databases, and journals. Formats available: Windows Media (.wmv), Flash Video (.flv)
The importance of visual literacy
Over the past couple of months I have received numerous calls about the Biz Wiki. The callers, emailers, and IMers all have something in common: they all own a business or work at a business whose name or contact information is incorrect on the Biz Wiki. I even got a call... Continue Reading →