This week I had the pleasure of finishing Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow on my PSP. I've had the game about a month, and with off-and-on play times, I was able to finish it relatively quickly. It generally takes me forever to finish games, but the game had a pretty good story that... Continue Reading →
So I’m a Premium Tourist Gamer with Completionist tendencies
I just finished reading A New Taxonomy of Gamers, and I'm very impressed with how the author defines gamers. It's a lengthy read, one that I will likely return to when I've let the contents digest a bit. The author dispels the labels of hardcore and casual gamers, and gives a convincing argument for other... Continue Reading →
5 reasons to own a PSP in 2009
PSPWorld has a good list of the 5 Reasons to Own a PSP in 2009 . I've really been enjoying my Playstation Portable for the past 9 months, and it's become my main console for playing games. Here's a list of reasons I like my PSP1. It's great for a guy with 3 kidsThe PSP... Continue Reading →
Not all gamers are alike
This is a sweeping generalization, but I found this commment to be fairly descriptive and funny: Social gaming is big in Europe, and FPS and Action games are big in the US. Japan likes gimmicky tamogotchi-like games with fuzzy creatures and characters with hairdos that defy gravity. For the record, I'm currently playing one of... Continue Reading →
My Gaming Backlog
I've got a hefty backlog of games that I want to play. Many gamers refer to this backlog as a "pile of shame," as they are often games that they've been meaning to get around to for quite some time. There's quite a few games out there for my current systems, the PS2 and the... Continue Reading →
Versus Mode: Can libraries extend the value of a video game?
Paul doesn't know that I'm doing this, so we'll see if he responds. He and I have been a tad busy this summer with a variety of things, so we haven't been as active with our Versus Mode as we would have liked. This is my first attempt to revive the series. In... Continue Reading →
Finish your games—It’s good for you?
The guys over a buttonmashing have a post about finishing games. I've got a pretty good backlog of games to complete, or at least to play to a point of satisfaction, so I'm always interested when this topic comes up. The comments on the post are pretty good to read as well. A... Continue Reading →
Kotaku to host game discussion
Alright, as promised today we're kicking off the rejuvenated Game Club with a group play through of fan favorite of Beyond Good & Evil. If you're interested in playing through a game along side a group of friends and then discussing the deeper meaning of the game and its plot, don't forget to hop in.... Continue Reading →
PSP is big on the subways
According to one MTV writer, the PSP is the portable console of choice on the NY subway system: The official MTV Multiplayer count is: 67 PSPs, 44 DSes, and 6 GBAs witnessed by me between 6/15/07 and 6/15/08. The full story is here.