The Future of The Internet

Pew Internet & American Life have released a 62-page study entitled The Future of the Internet This lengthy report discusses the impact the internet will have on various aspects of society, as well as how it will change in the next ten years. Below are some interesting excerpts: On Family Life “The context for family... Continue Reading →

First IM Reference Interaction

Today I had my first reference interaction using AOL IM. My library has been doing chat reference for quite some time, and we are available for about ten hours on most weekdays. Our business is good, and we are able to help quite a few students with library research. We have about twelve people who... Continue Reading →

IE Not Working Right

This was an interesting exchange on the Web4LIb list. The problem with IE: Is there anybody experience delay at IE searching? Our library got some complains on Internet Explore delay or even hung after patron entered a wrong url. For example, user enter ccc.ddd at address line, IE would stuck at original page and doesn't... Continue Reading →

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