I finally just finished reading Scott Berkun's wonderful book "The Year Without Pants: and the Future of Work." I've been reading it for a while, and even re-reading some parts. At my library, we are planning on changing and consolidating some service points over the next few years, which has some folks concerned... Continue Reading →
Some quick thoughts on the 2015 Collective Conference
Most library conferences I have been two lately are mega events, often requiring trips to strange (and hot) lands like Las Vegas. Some colleagues found a new conference, that was cheap, small, and offered an alternative to those traditional sage-on-the-stage venues. The conference was called The Collective, and happened to be located in a town... Continue Reading →
Are you real?
My library offers an awesome chat service, open 24 hours, 5 days a week (plus weekend hours), where patrons can get their questions answered by caring and knowledgeable library reference staff. Sometimes it seems too good to be real. And sometimes librarians have funny answers. 😉
A decade of hits and future directions
It's hard to believe I've been blogging for 10 years. To keep this blog, and my online presence, going for the next 10 years, I'll be branching out beyond just libraries and tech to write and share about many of my other interests including gadgets, gaming, the great outdoors, photography, music, and fitness.
Either a little late or a lot early
This spam I received to my work email account made me laugh. Not only am I happily married, I also have a fond appreciation for timeliness.
12 things to do (more of) in 2015
2014 was a good year, though when I look back, there were things that I enjoy that I didn't do nearly enough. We won't call these resolutions, but merely ideas for things I'd like to do more of in the coming year. 1. Take my wife out for more dates 2. Take the family on... Continue Reading →
My favorite picture of 2014
I took a lot of pictures in 2014. This picture of my 2nd son, taken on July 3 at the Athens, Ohio fireworks show, is my favorite. We've had a few health issues/concerns/scares over the past couple of years with him, though he's checked out okay through it all. This picture of him just makes... Continue Reading →
Wishing you the best of the holidays, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year
May you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope all of your dreams come true in the New Year!
My new and improved setup for making instructional videos
Last summer I started using some new hardware that has made my video making a lot easier. The new setup helps me make better quality videos while reducing steps and saving a substantial amount of time. Some time ago I shared how I make my instructional videos. In that post I detailed how I recorded... Continue Reading →